
Hi, my name is Oliver Busse

I am working as an HCL Digital Solutions Consultant in Dresden, Germany.

I was an IBM Champion for ICS in 2015 - 2018

I was an HCL Ambassador in 2020 - 2024

No idea where Dresden is? Just click here to find out!

Drop me a note: kontakt [at] oliverbusse [dot] com

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OpenNTF Director

Awarded: 14 Jun 2023

Awarded To: Oliver Busse


IBM Badges

Oliver Busse

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profile for Oliver Busse at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

"Just the facts, ma'm"

This is my life. Don't be afraid. I don't bite - unless you want me to Rollend lachend

  • June 1972

    Hello, World!

    Born in West-Berlin I grew up with the Cold War and the Berlin Wall.

  • September 1979

    Elementary School

    This was a nice time. I was the drummer of our school band. I was "Husband No.2" in our school's Christmas play. I am a KISS fan since I was 6 years old. I'm still feeling bound to my school: http://www.grundschule-am-dielingsgrund.de/NeueStartseite.htm

  • December 1983

    My Very First Computer - TI-99/4A

    This was an amazing machine!

  • June 1985

    A mature update: The C64

    I loved this one! I learned to code Basic and Assembler on this box. I skipped the Commodore Amiga.

  • September 1985

    High School

    Well... this wasn't my best time... But I like it though. http://xn--albrecht-drer-schule-yec.de/

  • November 1989

    Wind of change

    I witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall. A historic event and never forgotten.

  • September 1992

    Siemens AG (Apprenticeship / First Job)

    At Siemens I learned my profession as an electronic technician (until 1996). I worked for that company until 2000. Today you better won't let me handle high voltage though...

  • April 1996

    First steps on the Internet with CompuServe

    I am a "Digital Native" and a "Millenium child".

  • October 1998

    Starting Technical Education

    First training done @ Siemens AG for co-workers. Internet, Web Programming and MS Frontpage. So much fun! Decision made: this is what I want to do on a regular basis!

  • March 1999

    Hobby becomes commercial

    First job done for a company in my spare time. A company website.

  • April 2000

    groupcon Development & Education GmbH

    In 2000 I changed to my new profession to an IT solution specialist. This was my first contact with IBM Notes and Domino (formerly known as Lotus). I learned 4.5 from the beginning over to R5 where I got my first certification (CLP). One year later I achived the IBM Certified Lotus Instructor entitlement to teach others this software (development). After another 3 years of training, consulting and development I changed the company.

  • November 2001

    Certified Lotus Instructor Entitlement

    Yes, I made this at Lotus @ Neu-Isenburg, Germany - good old times!

  • July 2004

    ULC Business Solutions GmbH

    My new job brought me to the wonderful city of Dresden, Saxony. This is an ancient (but modern) and cute town at the river Elbe and a nice place to live. Over the years I did a lot of project management and developed a lot of very interesting applications with all kinds of techniques you can use in IBM Domino.

    I love doing trainings and speaking at conferences as I enjoy the direct feedback of the audience. I am a networker. Buy me a beer and we'll become friends Winken

  • November 2007

    Yeah, Lotus!

    Over the years I earned all certificates for Lotus Notes & Domino R5,6,7,8,8.5 and 9.

  • February 2013

    Session @ "Connect Comes To You" @ ULC

    "New Features in Domino Designer 9"

    Despite suffering from a cold I enjoyed showing our customers the great features of Domino Designer 9 (beta)

  • June 2013

    DNUG 38

  • June 2013

    OpenNTF Contest Winner

    I was one of the five winners of the OpenNTF XPages Contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKauWn_XogM

  • July 2013

    IBM STEW in Dublin

    As a IBM Business Partner we were invited to attend the STEW for ICS @ Dublin, where the ICS team is working hard on IBM Connections and XPages. I met a lot of great people there from all over the globe and the developers from IBM Ireland, too (Martin Donnelly, Padraic Edwards and Mark Wallace). 

  • March 2014

    Session @ "Connect Nachlese 2014" @ ULC

    "Don't Reinvent the Wheel - Use Software from OpenNTF"

    Spreading the spirit of OpenSource and the ICS community.

    Slide deck: http://de.slideshare.net/OliverBusse/ulc-connect-2014-nachlese

  • April 2014

    Session @ "OSA Anwendertreffen", Potsdam, D

    "Web Enablement for Legacy Applications"

    Great feedback and lots of conversations after the show!

    Slide deck: http://de.slideshare.net/OliverBusse/osa-anwendertreffen-2014-clients-ausgednnt

  • July 2014

    GABO mbH & Co KG

    I'm "doing Notes" for over 14 years now - a long time but it passed very fast.

    From July 1st ULC was assimilated by GABO but my life and work was the same as it was for the last 10 years. Customers didn't face any change in the interaction with us and me at all as we and my team still continued to work with IBM solutions. 

  • December 2014

    IBM Champion for ICS in 2015

    I am honored to be elected as this is a community driven entitlement.

  • March 2015

    2 sessions @ ICS.UG conference, Bremen, D

    I showed how to transform common patterns in legacy apps to XPages applications using managed beans.

    Slide deck: http://de.slideshare.net/OliverBusse/fix-fertig

    I also provided informations on how the workflow for a developer can be when developing apps on IBM Bluemix. The latter wasn't about coding but utiliziation of tools and showing step-by-step how-tos. Images courtesy Oli Heinz

    Slide deck: http://de.slideshare.net/OliverBusse/out-of-the-blue-getting-started-with-ibm-bluemix-development

  • March 2015

    1 session @ Engage.UG, Ghent, B

    I also did one session at the famous and marvellous Engage.UG event in Ghent this year. Image courtesy: Oliver Heinz

    Slide deck: http://de.slideshare.net/OliverBusse/transformations-46514728

  • April 2015

    We4IT GmbH

    In April 2015 I started to work for We4IT GmbH. I am looking forward to work with a new team, new customers and new and cool technologies! Yay!

  • April 2015

    Webinar with TLCC & Teamstudio

    I was humbled and proud of being a panelist in the webinar from TLCC & Teamstudio about my session in Bremen and Ghent in March 2015. It was a pleasure to work with all of you!

    Slide deck: http://de.slideshare.net/OliverBusse/transformations-a-tlcc-teamstudio-webinar

  • September 2015

    1 session at ICON.UK 2015, London, GB

    I had the pleasure to do a show and tell session at ICON.UK in London on September 21st about IBM Bluemix development workflow, which tools to use and how. Of course I showed the latest stuff related to XPages on Bluemix, too.

    Slide deck

  • November 2015

    One session at SUTOL 2015, Prague, CZ

    I introduced the audience to the power the OpenNTF Domino API provides including some new features like Transactions and GraphDB capabilities

    Slide deck

  • November 2015

    IBM Champion for ICS in 2016

    I am flattered and honored to be re-elected as an IBM Champion for ICS in 2016 Lächelnd

  • March 2016

    2 sessions @ICS.UG, IBM Forum Hamburg, D

    Once again I was happy to deliver 2 session at this very important conference and get-together event powered by We4IT at the IBM Forum in Hamburg, Germany:

    • XPages on IBM Bluemix - The Do's & Don'ts
    • Find your data - using GraphDB capabilities in XPages applications
  • March 2016

    2 sessions at the "WebGate Super Day", Dietikon, CH

    I was invited by the generous guys from WebGate Consulting AG to celebrate their 15th anniversary. I talked about the OpenNTF Domino API and the GraphDB implementation. This were 3 great days together with friends and a super party overall. Of course it was business though Winken

  • March 2016

    1 session at Engage.UG 2016, Eindhoven, NL

    My session "XPages on Bluemix - the Do's and Dont's" was about the things existing blog post and video tutorials won't show you when trying the XPages runtime on IBM Bluemix.


  • April 2016

    2 sessions at EntwicklerCamp 2016, Gelsenkirchen, D

    Image courtesy: Michael Ruhnau

    I delivered 2 sessions about the OpenNTF Domino API:


  • May 2016

    1 session @ ISBG, Oslo, N

    I was honored to be invited to talk about XPages development for and on IBM Bluemix at the Norwegian User Group event in Oslo, Norway

  • November 2016

    1 session at SUTOL 2016, Prague, CZ

    I was happy to be invited to speak at the Czech Lotus User Group conference in Prague for the 2nd time. It was somehow the second part of the session I did last year about GraphNSF which is also part of the ODA. Again it was a great time meeting friends from around the globe and enjoy great beer and food Smile

    Session slides available on Slideshare and the demo application here.

  • December 2016

    IBM Champion for ICS in 2017

    Yes, I made the hat-trick! I was elected the 3rd time in a row as an IBM Champion for 2017.

  • March 2017

    2 sessions at EntwicklerCamp 2017, Gelsenkirchen, D

    Again I had the pleasure of presenting 2 session at this fabulous event, this time about IBM Watson integration

    • Integrate IBM Watson's Cognitive Capabilities in your Apps
    • Using IBM Watson Workspace in your Apps
  • April 2017

    1 session at OSA Anwendertreffen, Potsdam , D

    For the second time I had the pleasure to present at this event, telling the audience about the latest OpenNTF development, strategies and upcoming projects.


  • May 2017

    1 session at Engage 2017, Antwerp, B

    For the third time I had the pleasure to present at this fabulous conference which is the biggest user group event in Europe. Theo and his team again did a wonderful job herding the nerds and offering great hospitality. My session was about how to embrace IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding services, how to deploy them, train them and implement them into your on-premises apps.

  • May 2017

    1 presentation at the SUTOL symposium 2017, Prague, CZ

    Again I had the pleasure to join my friends in the Czech Republic. This time I had the chance to present our product aveedo. This included a live demo, too. I shared the session time with my friend Martin Jinoch who showed the latest from OpenNTF called SmartNSF. Thank you so much for your hospitality!

  • June 2017

    1 session at DNUG 44 in Berlin, D

    After 3 years I was happy to join the German user group again as a speaker. I lined up to other sessions about IBM Watson, in my case Watson Workspace. I showed how to integrate the Watson Work Services to XPages apps and to interact over a chatbot with custom data on-premises.

    Image courtesy DNUG https://www.flickr.com/photos/143634409@N02/albums/72157684692193486

  • June 2017

    1 session at ISBG, Oslo, N

    For the second time I had the chance to present at ISBG, the Norwegian User Group event in Oslo. My session was about how to embrace IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding services, how to deploy them, train them and implement them into your on-premises apps.

  • January 2018

    IBM Champion for ICS in 2018

    Humbled to be re-newed as an IBM Champion for the year 2018 Smile

  • September 2018

    2 Handson Sessions at AdminCamp 2018

  • December 2019

    HCL Ambassador 2020

    I am humbled to be named an HCL Ambassador in 2020

  • March 2020

    Engage 2020, Arnhem, NL

    Together with Mark Leusink I presented at Engage 2020 in Arnhem, Netherlands, about DQL and web components.


  • October 2020

    CollabSphere 2020 Live

    Together with my colleague Mika I presented our versatile Outlook add-in called Mailissa at the virtual CollabSphere this year.


  • December 2020

    HCL Ambassador 2021

    I am honored to be re-nominated for 2021 Smile

  • December 2021

    HCL Ambassador 2022

    I am honored again to be recognized for 2022 Smile

  • April 2022

    Nintera GmbH

    Together with my team mates from "Managed Services", we started in We4IT's subsidiary Nintera to concentrate on offering services around platforms, SaaS and IaC.

  • December 2022

    HCL Ambassador 2023

    I am honored again to be recognized for 2023 Smile

  • September 2023

    MEKO-S GmbH

    Joining the team at MEKO-S

  • December 2023

    HCL Ambassador 2024

    I made it again, 5th time in a row Smile

Latest comments to this post

Sachin Chauhan wrote on 10.12.2019, 17:54

Nice to see your journey and became the Domino IBM champion, highly appreciated and inspiration.  

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Thomas wrote on 05.10.2016, 12:46

Hi Oliver!


Thanks for maintaining this great site. I love to look around.




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Roland Behley wrote on 11.07.2015, 14:32

Jo Meister !

Du erinnerst dich hoffentlich noch an deinen alten "Siemenes-Kollegen" ;-) Nja, is zugegebenermaßen schon

ein "paar" Jährchen her. Bin ab dem 23.07. für 'ne Woche in Berlin...

Wäre aber schön, wenn du mit email-technisch mal ein paar Zeilen zukommen lassen würdest, wenn du

Zeit und Lust hast.

Beste Grüße aus NRW .....



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Vicente Diaz Fernandez wrote on 04.03.2015, 20:59

Hi Oliver,
  I'm looking forward to a very good cooperation @We4IT

Welcome in April ;-)

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Frank van der Linden wrote on 28.01.2015, 13:46

Hi Oliver,


Congrats with the new restart at We4IT. Very cool to working for that company.


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Steven wrote on 24.04.2014, 19:24
Hi Oliver
Just want to let you know that you have excellent information on your site.  Demo's and coding. 
I rate your site as one of the best resources for me.
Thanks for the great stuff.
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Skills and experiences

Atlassian SourceTree
IBM Connections
IBM Domino Administration
IBM Notes/Domino
IBM Social Business Toolkit
Logic Pro X
Lotus AVM
Native Instruments Maschine


12/2023 HCL Ambassador 2024
12/2022 HCL Ambassador 2023
12/2021 HCL Ambassador 2022
12/2020 HCL Ambassador 2021
12/2019 HCL Ambassador 2020
08/2018 IBM Notes & Domino 10 Sales Advisor V1
01/2018 IBM Champion for ICS in 2018
12/2016 IBM Champion for ICS in 2017
11/2015 IBM Champion for ICS in 2016
12/2014 IBM Champion for ICS in 2015
12/2012 IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5
12/2011 IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 8
04/2001 IBM Advanced Certified Lotus Instructor (CLI)